Speech Therapy

Tips for Getting your Toddler to Talk


Self-Talk - Talk out loud about what you are seeing, doing or feeling.

Parallel Talk - Talk out loud about what your child is seeing, doing or feeling.

Read Books - Select bright, colorful books with pictures.  Talk about the photos as you turn the pages.

Wait - Delay your response to get your child to point, gesture or babble.

Praise your child - Give your child positive reinforcement when he/she tries to communicate.

Expand - Try and add one to two words to what your child says when responding back.  

Sing - Singing songs encourages imitation of sounds and words.

Use Sign Language - Sign language has been found to encourage language development not hinder it.

If you have concerns about your toddler's speech and language development contact us for an evaluation.

To New Beginnings: Welcome to Our Website

To New Beginnings: Welcome to Our Website

A new beginning, a new website!  We would like to wholeheartedly welcome you to our website.

At Climbing Ladders, we believe in providing parents with the tools they need to support and engage their child, teenager, or loved one who might struggle to communicate.  

We will be continuously updating this site with the latest resources to support our mission to ensure every child is able to communicate, love, laugh, and conquer their speech-language challenges.

Please visit the Contact Us section of our website to learn more about our mission, services, and how we are involved in the community.

Thank you for visiting!

Kimberly Rau

President, Climbing Ladders